Statistical Methods and Data Analysis in
Developmental Psychology
Lab 9
Filippo Gambarota
Updated on 2023-05-16
devtools::load_all() # if using the rproject dowloaded from the slides
# source("utils-glm.R") # if using a standard setup
library(tidyr) # for data manipulation
library(dplyr) # for data manipulation
library(ggplot2) # plotting
library(car) # general utilities
library(effects) # for extracting and plotting effects
library(emmeans) # for marginal means
We are gonna work with the admission.csv dataset
containing \(n = 400\) students for the
admission to the UCLA University. A researcher is interested in how
variables, such as gre (Graduate Record Exam scores),
gpa (GPA), rank (prestige of the undergraduate
institution) have an influence for the admission into graduate school.
The response variable, admit/don’t admit, is a binary variable.
…(continue from lab 8)
Fitting the model with interactions
Plotting results
Interpreting the parameters
Model comparison for the interactions effect
0. Importing data
We need to set the working directory on the root of
the course folder using set.wd(). Using R Projects is just
necessary to open the .RProj file and the working directory
will be automatically correctly selected.
Here we fit the two 2-way interactions between gpa,
gre and rankc. Let’s start from only one
# gpa * rankc + gre
fit1 <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rankc + gpa:rankc, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = admission)
# this is equivalent to
# fit1 <- glm(admit ~ gpa * rankc + gre, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = admission)
## Call:
## glm(formula = admit ~ gre + gpa + rankc + gpa:rankc, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
## data = admission)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.6997 -0.8669 -0.6426 1.1582 2.1061
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -6.5706011 3.5059016 -1.874 0.0609 .
## gre 0.0019573 0.0009179 2.132 0.0330 *
## gpa 0.9832606 0.6600694 1.490 0.1363
## rankc2 0.9869986 4.2059206 0.235 0.8145
## rankc3 1.2269661 4.5908870 0.267 0.7893
## rankc4 -1.5086918 5.9313652 -0.254 0.7992
## gpa:rankc2 -0.3089665 0.7805070 -0.396 0.6922
## gpa:rankc3 -0.4734705 0.8450248 -0.560 0.5753
## gpa:rankc4 -0.0057418 1.1023671 -0.005 0.9958
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 499.98 on 399 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 457.86 on 391 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 475.86
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
2. Plotting results
With interactions it is even more important and useful to plot the
effects before anything else:
The plot on the left represent the main effect of gre
and the plot on the right is the interaction between gpa
and rankc. In this case we have an interaction between a
numerical and a categorical variable. The model is essentially
estimating the relationship between gpa and
admit splitting by the level of rankc.
3. Interpreting the parameters
The interpretation of interactions (especially with categorical
variables) from model parameters is not always easy because it depends
on which contrasts are used. By default, R uses
dummy coding where the reference level of the factor
(rankc) is the first category and all the other categories
are compared to the reference. This influence also other parameters:
(Intercept): log odds of being admitted for
gpa = 0, gre = 0 and rankc at the
reference (i.e., 1)
gpa: the increase in log odds of being admitted for a
unit increase in the gpa for people in the reference level
of rankc (i.e., 1)
gre: the increase in log odds of being admitted for a
unit increase in the gre for people in the reference level
of rankc (i.e., 1)
rankc2: is the difference in the log odds of being
admitted between rankc2 and rankc1 (i.e. is
the log odds ratio) when gpa and gre are
rankc3: is the difference in the log odds of being
admitted between rankc3 and rankc1 (i.e. is
the log odds ratio) when gpa and gre are
rankc4: is the difference in the log odds of being
admitted between rankc4 and rankc1 (i.e. is
the log odds ratio) when gpa and gre are
gpa:rankc2: the difference between rankc 2
and 1 in the rate of increase of the log odds of being admitted for a
unit increase in the gpa
gpa:rankc3: the difference between rankc 3
and 1 in the rate of increase of the log odds of being admitted for a
unit increase in the gpa
gpa:rankc4: the difference between rankc 4
and 1 in the rate of increase of the log odds of being admitted for a
unit increase in the gpa
For complex interactions like this, a suggestion is to plot the
effects (as we did before) and to estimate the individual slopes
checking if the interpretation is correct:
# emmeans is an options to estimate effects regardless the model parameters
emm <- data.frame(emmeans::emtrends(fit1, ~rankc, var = "gpa"))
The other difficulty with interactions is interpreting the
categorical variable effects. The rankc2,
rankc3 … effects are interpreted as usual BUT in the
presence of interactions by definition the difference between
i.e. rankc2 and rankc1 depends on the level of
other variables (in particular gpa in this case). Let’s
explain this visually:
This is the main effect of the rankc without considering
the other variables:
plot(effects::effect("rankc", fit1))
However, in the presence of interactions, the odds ratio could be
influenced by the gpa level where it is evaluated:
The model (without transformations), evaluate the effect of
rankc when other variables are 0 and this could be
meaningful or not.
Without interaction by definition the point at which I evaluate the
renkc effect is not relevant.
4. Inference and model comparison for the interactions effect
Even if from the plot there is evidence for a little bit of
interaction (i.e, the slopes are not the same across rankc)
we need a statistical test. The first option is to see the Wald test of
model coefficients testing if the slopes are different (e.g.,
To test the overall interaction we can use the
car::Anova() function that reports main effects and
We see that as reported in the Lab 8, there are the main effects of
gre, gpa and rankc but there is
no evidence for the interaction. The gpa:rankc test if
there is at least one slope difference that is statistically
To note, the car::Anova(fit1) results for the
interaction is just a likelihood ratio test comparing a model with the
interaction vs a model without the interaction:
fit_noint <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rankc, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = admission)
anova(fit_noint, fit1, test = "LRT")
## Analysis of Deviance Table
## Model 1: admit ~ gre + gpa + rankc
## Model 2: admit ~ gre + gpa + rankc + gpa:rankc
## Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)
## 1 394 458.27
## 2 391 457.86 3 0.41252 0.9376
In fact the Chisq and the p values are the
same. The model is just testing if including the interaction reduces the
residual deviance.