Introduction to the workshops

Replicability Crisis in Science?

Filippo Gambarota

8-10 July 2024

About me

About me

Filippo Gambarota

  • Postdoctoral Researcher: Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
  • Research interests: meta-analysis, psychometrics, data simulation, R programming and multiverse analysis.

About us

We are part of the Psicostat research group. A interdisciplinary research group interested in Psychology and Statistics.



Day Title Topics
08/07/24 Tools for reproducible research R, Quarto, Git/Github, Open Science Framework
09/07/24 Statistical methods for replication assessment Frequentist and Bayesian statistical methods for replicability assessment
10/07/24 Meta-analyis and multiverse analysis Equal and random-effects model, heterogeneity, power-analysis, simulating data

Materials 📘

  • 📝 Slides are created with Quarto, you can use it as standard slides (in html format) and see the source code (.qmd file)
  • ⚙️ We are going to use mainly the slides, R Studio, the Github website and the shared editor. I suggest you to bookmark the Github website and the editor

The website


  • We are using a lot of (R) code. When talking about code there is no a unique solution or method. My approach is not the best. If your code works, everything good 😄
  • If we have time, we can discuss about best practice in writing code in terms of efficency, organization and clarity 😎
  • Also for statistics related topics, there are often multiple options to solve a problem. If you know other alternatives beyond the proposed topics, we can discuss it 😉

Let’s start!